The polybagged edition of this comic book included a black memorial armband, a Daily Planet Superman obituary (authored by Roger Stern), a series of Superman commemorative postage stamps and a "Death of Superman" poster by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding.The events of this issue are revisited in Deadman: Dead Again #3.Soon after publication of this issue, the "Death of Superman" storyline was adapted into a novel written by Roger Stern entitled, The Death and Life of Superman.It leads into the follow up story, " Funeral for a Friend". This is the final chapter of the " Death of Superman" storyline.This issue is loosely adapted in the 2007 Superman: Doomsday animated movie.This issue is reprinted in the 1993 Death of Superman as well as the 2016 The Death of Superman trade paperbacks, and in Superman: A Celebration of 75 Years.However, it is too late, and the Man of Steel fades in her arms. Lois Lane rushes over to Superman's limp body and cradles him in her arms, begging him to hold on until the paramedics arrive. Eventually, Superman delivers a fatal blow to Doomsday, snapping his neck, but while receiving an equally deadly blow at the same time.

The two combatants battle it out in front of the Daily Planet, at one point striking each other with such force that the windows on the Planet shatter. Superman gets a last kiss from Lois Lane, then charges into action, ready to bring down Doomsday no matter what. Police and military vehicles converge on the scene, but the streets are in chaos. Each foe delivers crushing blows onto the other, never letting up on their opponent. Superman and Doomsday have their final confrontation in Metropolis.